Industry News for Ulan Nutritional Systems
Clearwater, Florida 33755
Chiropractors from all over the United States just completed the last 25 hours of an eight-month clinical mastery program in Dr. Ulan's Nutrition Response TestingSM technology.
Thousands of doctors of all types and specialties across the United States have been introduced to Nutrition Response Testing through videos and introductory workshops, but this is the first group to complete an intensive series of eight hands-on seminars culminating in the rightful title of "Clinical Master."
The technology, developed and refined by Freddie Ulan, D.C., C.C.N., through 25,000 hours of clinical experience in his highly successful practice in upstate New York, gives nutritionists the tools to solve case after case that have resisted all previous approaches.
As Dr. Ulan explains:
The practitioner tests particular reflexes. Each reflex represents a specific organ, tissue or function and indicates the effect that energy, or the lack of energy, is having on the patient's body.
By using Nutrition Response Testing reflexes, we have a system of monitoring the patient's body at each visit. By contrast, in medicine, the medical doctor makes a diagnosis and then uses drugs or surgery to attack or suppress the symptom or to surgically remove the 'offending' organ or part.
Through an analysis of the patient's body's reflexes, we determine the exact nutrients needed to supplement the patient's diet in order to bring about improved health.
One key to clinical success is a thorough knowledge of the whole food supplements available and the role that each plays in supporting weak organs so the body can heal itself. The Advanced Clinical Training graduates know the subject so well that they can make the correct choice without hesitation, making both office visits and healing time shorter.
A master clinician also knows what dietary changes to recommend, on the proper (not overwhelming) gradient so they actually comply and get the full benefit of the program.
"We always give them something they feel they can actually do, and we see them often enough in the initial period to make sure they actually do it," Dr. Ulan explains.
Dr. Ulan contends that "many people we see in our practice have eaten themselves into their current state of ill-health, to one degree or another. The deficiencies or imbalances lead to a breakdown in resistance or immunity and a loss of the ability to cope with environmental stresses (chemical, bacterial, or otherwise). The good news is that it is possible to reverse the process," he concludes.
Dr. Ulan and his colleagues at Ulan Nutritional Systems have been training health practitioners in the techniques of Nutrition Response Testing for nearly a decade. As an adjunct, UNS provides a monthly workshop in Dr. Ulan's "Secrets of a Million Dollar Nutritional Cash Practice." For more information call 727 442 7101.