We're still learning about what makes Gen Z – adults ages 18-24 – tick, but some of what we're discovering suggests they both need chiropractic care and are willing to use it. Case in point: new survey findings that reveal many Gen Zers experience chronic pain at a young age and are open to drug-free pain management, including chiropractic.
- "When asked about their neck, shoulder and back pain, 18% of survey participants reported they first felt pain before the age of 10; 36% between the ages of 11 and 15 and 37% first felt discomfort between the ages of 16 and 20."
- "More than half (54%) of respondents classified their risk for persistent pain as ‘medium.' Meanwhile, only 36% of survey respondents said their chronic pain is improving while the remainder reported it is getting worse (36%) or staying the same (28%)."
"[N]early three-quarters (73%) of Generation Z survey respondents reported their chronic pain was caused by their sleep position, followed by sports or exercise (45%) and carrying a heavy bag (39%)."
- "[M]ore than 63% of survey respondents reported being 'somewhat' or ‘very' interested in chiropractic care while 17% have already received such care."
- "Nearly 64% stated they believe chiropractic care should be covered by insurers, followed by physical therapy (61%); and massage, cupping, reiki and reflexology (50%)."
- "Nearly 31% of survey respondents stated the efficacy of drug-free, natural pain management methods was a more important deciding factor than cost (24%) and convenience (20%)."
"Younger Americans seem to be recognizing that pharmacological pain management methods alone deliver only short-term relief without addressing the underlying causes of chronic neuromusculoskeletal pain that can often start at an early age," said Dr. Sherry McAllister, executive vice president of the F4CP.
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