99 Why Should I Do All the Talking?
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Dynamic Chiropractic – January 26, 1999, Vol. 17, Issue 03

Why Should I Do All the Talking?

By Donald M. Petersen Jr., BS, HCD(hc), FICC(h), Publisher
So, here we go again. Another monologue from Petersen. I write, you read. Such are the limitations of the print medium.

After you digest what I have to say you might have a question or comment.

But unless you write or call, I'll never know your thoughts. That's a shame, because we both miss out on important interaction that would enrich both of our understandings.

There has to be a better way. There is. For the past six months, Dynamic Chiropractic has been redesigning our website (www.chiroweb.com) to make it much more interactive. Not only is this issue of DC available to you in print on January 12th, but it is also available two weeks earlier in a way that transcends the print medium. We call that Dynamic Chiropractic On Line (www.chiroweb.com/dynamic).

We now have two mechanisms that will allow you, DC, and the entire profession to interact:

Discussion Forums: Our "bulletin boards" on chiroweb.com let you post you comments and questions. This is an open forum for all to read. This forum is in "real time," like a chat room. You might post a comment on Tuesday at noon; another DC chimes in on Wednesday at midnight; and I have my say on Thursday at 6 a.m. Every time someone posts a response to your post, you automatically receive an e-mail providing you with a copy of the posted response. This gives you the opportunity to post your response to their response. It's like a conversation that can extend for hours (or even days) between exchanges.

You will find on line the most recent article of all 32 Dynamic Chiropractic columnists. The columnists' sections can be found in the Columnist Directory (www.chiroweb.com/columnist) complete with each author's photograph, a biographical sketch and a directory of their previous articles. Even better, all the columnists have their own Discussion Forums. You can read an author's online column (or in the printed version) and post a comment on that author's Discussion Forum. Obviously, depending on the volume of posts, the columnists won't be able to respond to everyone. But they are committed to spending time every week reviewing the posts and providing responses.

Attached to the front page of Dynamic Chiropractic On Line is another discussion forum called "To the Editor." Here you can make comments about the current events affecting the chiropractic profession and your practice. This is also the place where you can post your comments about the current news stories published in the online issue of DC. Because chiroweb.com enjoys over 45,000 visits each month, all posts are automatically deleted after seven days. This keeps the discussion forums fresh.

A second discussion area where you can participate is called "Guest Columnists." This is where you have the opportunity to voice your opinion on your own page in an article written by you. Remember, Dynamic Chiropractic On Line is published every other Tuesday, approximately two weeks prior to the issue date of the printed version of DC. You have until the following Friday to e-mail your two-page (or less), single-spaced "editorial" article to expressing your thoughts on a particular news story in that issue. The best are chosen and "published" on their own page the following Monday, where they remain until the new issue comes out eight days later.

Understand that your article won't be judged by your opinion, philosophy, or whether you agree or disagree with anyone (including me). It will be judged on how well you express your opinion and your ability to support it.

If you aren't sure when the next issue of DC On Line will be published, we will notify you via e-mail with an update of all the articles in that issue. If you would like to receive this notification (called the DC News Update), just e-mail me your name, address and e-mail address and I'll send it to you every two weeks. E-mail me at:

It's important for you to know that we do not rent, sell, share, or give your e-mail to ANYONE. For a better understanding of our Privacy Policy, you may access it at www.chiroweb.com/legal/privacy.html on the website.

I've been writing this column every two weeks for over a decade: well over 250 articles. It's time for you to contribute your thoughts to the running dialogue that is our corporate chiropractic understanding.

Please make use of at least one of these interactive opportunities. I would love to hear from you.

Click here for more information about Donald M. Petersen Jr., BS, HCD(hc), FICC(h), Publisher.

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