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Dynamic Chiropractic – November 15, 2015, Vol. 33, Issue 22

News in Brief

By Editorial Staff

Life Names New Provost, Board of Trustees Members

Life University recently announced the transition of Robert Scott, DC, PhD, senior vice president for academic affairs, to provost, continuing his decade-long service to the university.

According to Life, "The new provost role and other organizational changes are designed to allow Dr. Guy Riekeman, president of Life University, to focus on his 20/20 vision."

Life also announced the appointment of four Board of Trustees members: John M. "Jack" Griesbaum;, Richard "Rich" Giuli, Sandy Elbaum, DC, and Jeffrey Aita, DC. With the appointments, the board now stands at 19 members.

"Each of these individuals brings unique and valuable assets that will serve the University well," said Dr. Riekeman. "They all share our Core Values and support LIFE's vision and mission. I'm excited to work with each of them as we continue to build upon LIFE's reputation as the thought leader in Vitalism and healthcare education."

Conceived by the university's board of trustees in 2006, Life's 20/20 strategic plan is designed to position the institution "as the pre-eminent leader in chiropractic healthcare, as well as a thought leader in advocating for positive change in health care policy" by 2020. The broad-scope plan includes infrastructure and technology upgrades, revenue diversification, global initiatives and other goals.

Dennis Brickner - Copyright – Stock Photo / Register Mark Walking the Talk

Dr. Dennis Brickner doesn't just talk the health and wellness message; he lives it, as evidenced by his recent participation in the National Senior Olympics in Minneapolis, Minn. Dr. Brickner competed in the 50, 100 and 200 meter sprints, as well as the 4x100 meter relay, taking home a bronze medal in the latter event. A 1989 Palmer College of Chiropractic graduate with more than 25 years in practice, Dr. Brickner practices in Springboro, Ohio.

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