44 Shining a Positive Spotlight on Chiropractic
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Dynamic Chiropractic – November 4, 2009, Vol. 27, Issue 23

Shining a Positive Spotlight on Chiropractic

By Kent Greenawalt

All it takes is a bright spotlight to show the world that chiropractic is an amazing healing profession. Creating that spotlight is the sole focus of the Foundation for Chiropractic Progress (FCP).

As you probably know by now, the foundation’s mission is to communicate the benefits of chiropractic care through positive press. This is achieved through print advertising in national publications and the foundation’s PR agency, which issues monthly press releases, public service announcements and advertorials.

Take a look at the current press releases from the foundation and the coverage that has been generated in recent months. Then review our prominent list of supporters online at www.foundation4cp.com and it will be easy to appreciate the significance of our cause. The next step is for you to join our cause. Your support will help show the public chiropractic is a positive health care choice that should be available to everyone.

Reaching Millions With the Message

Heavy Handbags: Health experts say that many women are carrying 10 to 15 pounds in their handbags, which is well over the doctor-recommended one to two pounds. As of September 2009, this release has generated 380 news articles in 21 different states, with a readership of nearly 10.1 million people. The release appeared on Web sites that were viewed by more than 6 million visitors per month.

Round Up the Troops: Retired Brigadier General Becky Halstead credits chiropractic care for helping treat her fibromyalgia. She also notes that chiropractic care is an “essential part of not only preventing more serious health concerns, but also assisting in the recovery from strains and other injuries.” As of September 2009, this release has generated 88 news articles in 14 different states, with a readership of more than 1.9 million. As with the handbag release, this release appeared on Web sites that were viewed by more than 6 million visitors per month.

Jerry Rice (Radio): This public service announcement features direct quotes from foundation spokesperson Jerry Rice. The NFL legend talks about his first experiences with chiropractic care during his football days and his continued use of chiropractic care during his “Dancing with the Stars” stint. As of September 2009, this release has been broadcast 253 times in 38 different states, with an audience of more than 20 million people.

Jerry Rice (TV): This commercial features the importance of chiropractic care for all type of athletes, from the weekend warriors to professionals. Rice is seen receiving an adjustment during the commercial. As of September 2009, this release has been broadcast 196 times in 33 different states, with an audience of more than 122 million people.

High Heels: Wearing high heels can affect the entire body, particularly the knees, hip and spine. This release notes that the abnormal weight-bearing posture can strain both the lower back and the neck. As of September 2009, this release has generated 280 news articles in 30 different states with a readership of nearly 54 million people. The release appeared on Web sites that were viewed by more than 6 million visitors per month.

ADHD: The New York Daily News featured Dr. Gerald Clum [president of Life Chiropractic College West and foundation spokesperson) in an article focusing on ADHD, in which Dr. Clum is quoted, “A number of case reports have been published with chiropractic care and there has been a positive resolution in the severity of symptoms.” The online version of the newspaper boasts more than 4.5 million visitors per month.

Internet Support: 123Chiropractors.com, a leading chiropractic Web portal, has donated $5,000 to the foundation and plans to assist the FCP in maximizing search-engine capabilities.

Medical Community Support: The testimonial of OB-GYN specialist Dr. Jason Rexworth appears in two of the new foundation advertisements. The ads show support for the chiropractic profession, focusing on the value of chiropractic care for pregnant women.
Other Ad Support: The June/July issue of Men’s Fitness included a full-page foundation ad featuring ESPN sports anchor Linda Cohn. On page 55 of the magazine, Linda talked about her positive experience with chiropractic care.

Chiropractic Colleges Continue to Show Support

New York Chiropractic College has issued a check for $8,000, which fulfills its $10,000 commitment to the foundation for the year, and New Zealand Chiropractic College has issued a check for $6,000, which fulfills its commitment. These two colleges joined the cause in March, when they and other chiropractic colleges pledged nearly $130,000 in financial support to the FCP. Other recent contributions from chiropractic colleges and associations include the following:

As you can see, the foundation is working hard and is getting more and more support. Now is the time for you to join the cause! How have you helped your profession lately? Helping your patients is wonderful, but you have a chance to do more and reach more people. Become a monthly contributor to the FCP and have an impact on the public’s perception of chiropractic. With your support, think of how much more we can do to spread the positive effects of chiropractic to the general public. Join the cause and help more people see the benefits of chiropractic. To learn more about the Foundation for Chiropractic Progress or to arrange an automatic monthly donation, visit www.foundation4cp.com or call (866) 901-3427. Sign up and support this important cause today.

Contact Information:

The Foundation for Chiropractic Progress
P.O. Box 560
Carmichael, CA 95609-0560

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