It was nice to hear from Cynthia Menke a month ago, in reply to the letter I sent you on November 20. I received a printout of DCs in Spain who receive your wonderful publication, so that we might correct your information about names, addresses, degrees, etc.
I don't think those "amateurs" should receive Dynamic Chiropractic, since they are not chiropractors.
Herewith, I am sending you, on a separate sheet, a revised list of DCs in Spain, members or not members of the Spanish Chiropractic Association. Please make sure that Cynthia Menke corrects her list so that all legally graduated DCs get their issue.
I look forward to keeping in touch with you in the near future, and thank you for the nice job you accomplish, following your father's steps. Give my regards to your mother.
You might be aware that I was member of the ICA Board until August 1989, when I resigned from the association because of political differences with Drs. Barge and Williams.
Robert J. Gevers, D.C.
President, Asociacion Espanola De Quiropractica
Editor's Note: We thank Dr. Gevers for helping us cleanse our mailing list of those abusers and impostors, who defraud an unsuspecting public by falsely representing themselves as doctors of chiropractic in many of the European countries. We invite the officers of any foreign chiropractic associations to request our mailing list of the DCs in their country to whom we send Dynamic Chiropractic, in order that they may lend their assistance in purging our overseas data base of these non-degreed "practitioners."
Click here for more information about Donald M. Petersen Jr., BS, HCD(hc), FICC(h), Publisher.