Recently the San Diego County Chiropractic Society hosted a one-day seminar featuring world-renowned Drs. Scott Haldeman, D.C., M.D., Ph.D., F.R.C.P.(C), Phillip Stavish, D.C., M.D., and Michael Turner, D.C., M.D.
Dr. Haldeman discussed at some length the Rand Corporation standards of care study now under way that will, to a large extent, determine how each of us will practice in the not-too-distant future. He predicted varying degrees of "chiropractic culture shock" which will probably be experienced especially by older and very "straight" practitioners when these standards of care are published and adhered to by the legal profession, insurance carriers, etc.
Dr. Haldeman spoke clinically about the importance of the neurologic examination, including pain referral patterns, and the need for chiropractors to gain and maintain an accurate knowledge of neuroanatomy. The need and criteria for further diagnostic testing of patients was also discussed, particularly in the area of which tests are needed and in what sequence. Very basically, if there is sufficient clinical demonstration of need for a test and if that test will change the treatment regimen of that patient, then it is warranted.
Drs. Stavis and Turner went on to elaborate on many of the systemic conditions that chiropractors should be very aware of and for which they should be conservatively treating their patients. These conditions included and stressed the conservative treatment of patients with signs of coronary heart disease and also those patients with cholesterol problems.
The day was extremely enlightening for all those in attendance with ample time for questions and answers from all three speakers.
The San Diego County Chiropractic Society has always attempted to bridge the ever-narrowing gap between the medical and chiropractic professions, and in hosting events like this one with this caliber of multidisciplined speakers, we feel that we continue to dispel many of the misconceptions that still exist between the two professions.
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