While you still have plenty of time to plan to attend the conference, original abstracts on technical and clinical topics are being invited; they need to be sent before Dec. 21, 1997. You need to forward your abstract, not exceeding one page (including drawings and photographs) to: European Conference Organizers, P.O. Box 4334, 3006 AH Rotterdam, The Netherlands. You'll need to indicate whether you want your abstract reviewed for oral presentation, poster presentation, or workshop.
The papers the scientific committee are looking for that are pertinent to chiropractic practice include:
- manipulation techniques
- functional anatomy
- biomechanics
- function of the pelvis and sacroiliac joints
- pelvic pain and instability
- lumbopelvic pain management
- epidemiology and determinants of low back pain
- exercise therapy
For more information about the Congress:
In Europe:
European Conference OrganizersIn the U.S.:
P.O. Box 4334
3006 AH Rotterdam
The Netherlands
Tel: +31-10-4133287
Fax: +31-10-4148059
Univ. of Calif., San Diego
Office of Continuing Medical Education
9500 Gilman Dr., 0617
La Jolla, CA 92093-0617
Tel: (619) 534-3940
Fax: (619) 534-7672
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