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Dynamic Chiropractic – June 1, 2015, Vol. 33, Issue 11

News in Brief

By Editorial Staff

Research Spotlight: 10 Papers Recognized at ACC-RAC

For the seventh year, the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners (NBCE) funded the research awards presented at the annual Association of Chiropractic Colleges – Research Agenda Conference (ACC-RAC).

Winning papers will be published in upcoming issues of the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics and the Journal of Chiropractic Education.

"The opportunity to fund the awards is a perfect fit for the NBCE's mission of ensuring professional competency through excellence in testing," said NBCE President Dr. Donna Craft, who presented the 10 awards. "The NBCE Board of Directors believes that the research findings of today will appear in the classrooms of tomorrow and become significant in future examinations."

This year's awards honor the following research / researchers in the chiropractic profession:

  • "Spinal Manipulation Learning: Is Error Detection Capability Correlated to Expertise?" (Loranger M., Treboz J., et al.)
  • "Developing Training Targets for Lumbar Spine High-Velocity, Low-Amplitude Adjustments in a Chiropractic Program" (Owens E., et al.)
  • "Learning Spinal Manipulation: A Best-Evidence Synthesis of Teaching Methods (Stainsby B., et al.)
  • "Effects of Peer Instruction-Enhanced Lectures on Student Recall and Comprehension" (Zhang N., Henderson C.)
  • "The Neuromuscular Response to Spinal Manipulation in the Presence of Pain" (Currie S., et al.)
  • "The Impact of Body Position and Walking on Neurophysiological Outcome Measures" (Passmore S., Johnson M.,  et al.)
  • "Changes in Manipulative Peak Force Modulation and Time to Peak Thrust Among 1st-Year Chiropractic Students Following a 12-Week Detraining Period: A Pilot Study" (Guist B., et al.)
  • "Correction of Abnormal Flexion-Relaxation Phenomenon in Chronic Low Back Pain: The Benefit Associated With Biofeedback Training" (Page I., et al.)
  • "A New Model to Derive Patient Low Back Loads During High-Velocity Low-Amplitude Spinal Manipulation" (Howarth S., et al.)
  • "Test-Retest Reliability of Trunk Motor Variability Measured by Large-Array Surface Electromyography" (Abboud J., et al.)

"The annual NBCE awards ... shine a light on the quality of the research presented, thus highlighting the capability of the chiropractic profession," commented Dr. Claire Johnson, ACC-RAC peer review chair and JMPT editor.

Dynamic Chiropractic editorial staff members research, investigate and write articles for the publication on an ongoing basis. To contact the Editorial Department or submit an article of your own for consideration, email .

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