2588 FCLB Conference 1991
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Dynamic Chiropractic – March 29, 1991, Vol. 09, Issue 07

FCLB Conference 1991

Brent Owens, D.C., Assumes Presidency

By Editorial Staff
"We will not be satisfied with the status quo -- we will move forward in accomplishing our goals and objectives.

"Standardization in the scope of practice, discipline procedures, licensure examinations, ethics, and continuing clinical competency are but a few of the challenges facing us."

With these words, D.

Brent Owens, D.C., assumed the presidency of the Federation of Chiropractic Licensing Boards (FCLB) on February 15.

He noted: "Blame for many of our current dilemmas is to be shared equally by all involved in chiropractic -- the accrediting system, the colleges, the professional associations, and the state licensing boards." However, he sees this as a challenge and opportunity. "If the door of opportunity is closed, we must knock on it and keep on knocking until it opens."

The 58th annual congress of the FCLB was held at the Albuquerque Marriott Hotel February 13 - 17. Chiropractic licensing boards were represented by 127 individuals from 45 states, three Canadian provinces, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. A special guest was Dr. Christoph Diem, president of the European Chiropractors Union, who traveled from Switzerland to attend. Also represented were a number of chiropractic colleges, and various associations and organizations.

Seven major educational speakers covered such diverse subjects as: legal responsibilities of state board members and standards of care; the means the FBI uses to detect fraudulent credentials; handling investigations of doctors accused of sexual misconduct; working with the media under pressure; and writing rules and regulations to limit malpractice exposure.

In an unusual move, the FCLB initiated its first topic in a lecture series designed to honor the great oratory skills of Joseph Janse, D.C., as Dr. Reed Phillips, acting president of Los Angeles Chiropractic College discussed practice guidelines and presented an emotionally charged collection of slides and tapes remembering Dr. Janse.

In other organizational business, retiring president George W. Arvidson, D.C., was honored for his past two years of service, starting at the foundation of the federation and rebuilding the national organization. In presenting Dr. Arvidson with an original commemorative art piece by New Mexico artist John Saunders, Dr. Brent Owens observed, "Today we honor a man whose strong chiropractic values have guided his decision making -- whose integrity and loyalty set the tone for this office -- and who possesses the quality and dependability which is so hard to find in leadership ranks today."

In addition to Owens' election as president, Dr. Carrol H. Winkler of North Dakota was selected as vice president. These two officers hold simultaneous appointments as FCLB representatives to the board of directors of the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners.

In other election news, Henry "Hank" Hulteen, D.C. (SC) was re-elected to a two-year term as district V director and named chairman of the executive board; Vincent E. Greco, D.C. (NH) was chosen district III director replacing retiring member John D. Reeder of Maine; and Philip L. Pierce, D.C. (AZ) was elected to replace Michael Riley of Nevada, who retired as district IV director.

Dr. Owens also announced committee appointments for the next year, including the following individuals to chair the standing and special committees:

Governmental Affairs and Legal Advisory -- Ed Epstein, D.C. (NY)

Convention and Program -- John Tierney, D.C. (NC)

Long Range Planning -- Roger Pope, D.C. (IL)

Finance and Audit -- Sandra A. Woodruff, D.C. (NV)

Resolutions and Bylaws -- Arnold "Mickey" Goldschmidt, D.C. (NY)

Committee on Professional Standards -- Meredith Bakke, D.C. (WI)

Blue Ribbon Panel on Universal Graduation Date -- Wilma Behm, D.C. (MN)

Data Bank and Analysis -- Michael Riley, D.C. (NV)

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