157 International Whiplash Trauma Congress to Feature Multidisciplinary Field
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Dynamic Chiropractic – October 6, 2003, Vol. 21, Issue 21

International Whiplash Trauma Congress to Feature Multidisciplinary Field

By Editorial Staff
Chiropractors, medical doctors, physical therapists and engineers are among the whiplash experts scheduled to attend the 2003 International Whiplash Trauma Congress, to be held Oct. 9-10 at the Westin Tabor Center in Denver, Colo.

The 2003 Congress, sponsored by the Journal of Whiplash & Related Disorders and its non profit arm, the Spinal Injury Foundation, will feature a multidisciplinary field, including Michael Freeman, PhD, DC, MPH; Christopher J. Centeno, MD; Robert De Nardis, PT; Bogdan Radanov, MD; and Jenny Keating, PhD. Scheduled presentations include:

  • "C.R.A.S.H. Testing" - Arthur C. Croft, MS, DC, MPH, FACO, FACFE, Center for Research Into Automotive Safety and Health (San Diego, Calif.)
  • "Outcome Measures for the Assessment of Whiplash Patients: Present and Future" - Kim Humphreys, DC, PhD, Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College (Toronto, Ontario, Canada)
  • "The Physical Presentation of Chronic Neck Pain: Are There Features to Distinguish WAD?" - Gwen Jull, PhD, University of Queensland (Brisbane, Queensland, Australia)
  • "Chronic Whiplash Syndrome: What's Causing the Pain?" - Richard E. Seroussi, MD, MSc. (Seattle, Wash.)
  • "What Human Subject Testing Can Tell Us About Whiplash Injury" - Gunter Siegmund, PhD, MacInnis Engineering Associates (Richmond, British Columbia, Canada)
  • "Real World Reductions in Neck Pain Based on New Seat Restraint Designs: the IIHS Experience" - Brian O'Neill, Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (Arlington, Va.)

The two-day program will also feature 25 abstract presenters from the United States; Iceland; Germany; Australia; Spain; Italy; Norway; and The Netherlands.

To view the complete list of scheduled speakers and the proposed agenda for the 2003 Congress, visit www.spinalinjuryfoundation.org. For more information on participating in the event, call 866-5SPINE5 (577-4635).

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