2184 Election of Officers: Consortium for Chiropractic Research
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Dynamic Chiropractic – July 16, 1993, Vol. 11, Issue 15

Election of Officers: Consortium for Chiropractic Research

By Editorial Staff
The Consortium for Chiropractic Research (CCR), cosponsors of the 8th annual Conference on Research and Education (CORE) with the California Chiropractic Association, elected officers for two-year terms during the CCA's convention in Monterey, California June 18-20.

CCR Election Results:

President: William Meeker, DC, MPH

Vice President: Joanne Nyiendo, PhD

Secretary: Grace Jacobs, DA

Treasurer: Ruth Sandefur, DC, PhD

An article detailing the events of the CORE and the CCA convention will appear in the upcoming issue of "DC."

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