Have you paid off your student loan yet? If average student-loan debt for graduates of the chiropractic program and similar postgraduate education programs in this state is any indication of the nationwide reality, you're not even close.
- #1: Oregon Health & Science University (dentistry, first professional degree) – $276,675
#2: National University of Natural Medicine (alternative and complementary medicine and medical systems, first professional degree) – $231,702
- #3: Oregon Health & Science University (medicine, first professional degree) – $221,089
- #4: Pacific University (clinical counseling and applied psychology, doctoral degree) – $209,599
- #5: Pacific University (pharmacy, pharmaceutical sciences and administration, doctoral degree) – $199,228
- #6: Pacific University (optometry, doctoral degree) – $180,654
- #7: University of Western States (chiropractic, first professional degree) – $169,703
- #8: Oregon College of Oriental Medicine (alternative and complementary medicine and medical systems, master's degree) – $159,504
- #9: Oregon State University (veterinary medicine, first professional degree) – $155,786
- #10: Willamette University (law, first professional degree) – $154,190
Note that all but one (#10, the law program above) of the top 10 programs involve health care. Data comes from the U.S. Department of Education College Scorecard.
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