125 Did Your Copy of Prevention Include Chiropractic?
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Dynamic Chiropractic – July 28, 2003, Vol. 21, Issue 16

Did Your Copy of Prevention Include Chiropractic?

By Editorial Staff
In the June 30 DC,1 we reported on an article in the June 2003 issue of Prevention magazine that espoused the benefits of chiropractic care.2 Unfortunately, more than a few Prevention subscribers were unable to read that article - a point they made clear in phone calls to our office.

DC contacted the offices of Prevention and was informed that subscribers age 55 and older receive a "Master's Edition" of the publication. Apparently, this version does not include several columns present in the "regular" edition sent to younger subscribers and distributed on newsstands. One of those columns is "Gotta Try It" - the very column that featured chiropractic.

While DC could not have reasonably foreseen such a development before going to press, we apologize for any confusion our readers may have experienced. To contact Prevention with comments or questions, call (800) 813-8070 or visit www.prevention.com/magazine.



  1. More kudos for chiropractic in Prevention magazine. Dynamic Chiropractic, June 30, 2003: www.chiroweb.com/archives/21/14/08.html.
  2. Fast back pain relief - avoid drugs and surgery: call a chiropractor. Prevention, June 2003, p. 85.

Dynamic Chiropractic editorial staff members research, investigate and write articles for the publication on an ongoing basis. To contact the Editorial Department or submit an article of your own for consideration, email .

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