Chelsea Causey, third-year Redskins cheerleader
The video PSA, which also features commentary by Dr. Jay Greenstein, the official team chiropractor for the Redskins cheerleading squad since 1997, is being released at Parker Seminars Las Vegas in January 2011 and is available to all foundation members free of charge for use as a patient-education tool and/or for local television advertising. The video testimonial highlights the value of chiropractic care for cheerleaders and why chiropractic is a vital part of their training.
"I've experienced multiple injuries during my career as a cheerleader - everything from pulled hamstrings to sprains and even lower back pain - setbacks that chiropractic care [has] always helped me recover from," said Chelsea Causey, a third-year member of the Redskins cheerleading squad.
Washington Redskins cheerleaders Amanda Mitchell (left) and Denise Medina appear in the foundation's video public-service announcement touting the value of chiropractic care and are scheduled to attend Parker Seminars Las Vegas this month.
"People don't view cheerleading as a competitive sport, but you have to try out every single year in this industry and it takes a large toll on your body," added Amanda Mitchell, in her second year with the squad. "Without chiropractic care I would not have made it past my first year. After receiving treatment, I began to notice the pain starting to subside as well as improvement in flexibility during performances."
Amanda will join fellow Redskins cheerleaders Denise Medina and Barbra Beach at Parker Las Vegas to perform, sign autographs and make their presence felt at the FCP booth. Amanda and Denise appear in the video PSA.
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