226 Nat'l Board Offers Online Sample Tests
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Dynamic Chiropractic – March 25, 2002, Vol. 20, Issue 07

Nat'l Board Offers Online Sample Tests

By Editorial Staff
The National Board of Chiropractic Examiners has developed sample tests to assist chiropractic candidates to prepare for the national boards. Sample tests are available on line (www.nbce.org) for Part I, Part II, Part III, and Physiotherapy.

The sample tests, according to the NBCE, are "representative of the style and quality of actual NBCE examination questions."

The Part I, Part II, and Physiotherapy tests contain 50 questions and cost $15 each. The NBCE suggests that candidates replicate testing conditions by allowing 40 minutes for each of these tests. Part III has 75 questions, costs $20, and should be timed for 90 minutes.

The NBCE specifies: "Once you start a sample test, you must provide an answer to each question before proceeding. When you complete a sample test, you will receive a list of the questions that you answered incorrectly along with the correct answer."

For further information, contact Joanne Monath, director of professional relations and communications at the NBCE: (970) 356-9100 ext. 119.

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