1890 Foot Levelers Inc., Launches Major Ad Campaign for Chiropractic Inclusion in Health Care Reform
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Dynamic Chiropractic – May 20, 1994, Vol. 12, Issue 11

Foot Levelers Inc., Launches Major Ad Campaign for Chiropractic Inclusion in Health Care Reform

Full-page Ads in USA Today and Grass Roots Promotion

By Editorial Staff
Kent Greenawalt, president of Foot Levelers, Inc., feels the time is now for chiropractors and their patients to let their representatives in Washington know of their support for chiropractic inclusion in national health care reform.

Indications from certain lobbyists on Capitol Hill to representatives of the chiropractic profession has been that if the health care bill moves forward this year, it can be expected by the end of May. Going on this insider information, Kent Greenawalt has launched an advertising campaign on two fronts: full-page ads in USA Today (second highest circulation of U.S. newspapers) to run the weeks of April 25, May 2, May 9, and May 16, 1994.

The second phase of the campaign is the "Stand Up" ad distributed to 15,000 Foot Levelers customers. The ad goes on receptionists' desks, along with a pad of coupons to be given to the chiropractic patients. The patients are encourage to mail the coupons that show support for chiropractic inclusion in national health care to their senators and congressmen. To that end, the Foot Levelers' mailings also provide the addresses of all the U.S. senators.

The indication at press time was that the ACA would also run a full-page ad in USA Today the week of May 9th.

Mr. Greenawalt has personally called the majority of the college presidents to notify them of the Foot Levelers' effort. Each of the presidents contacted has pledged to display the table top ads along with the pad of coupons for students to fill out and send to their representatives in Washington.

Foot Levelers is a prime example of a company that is actively lobbying for the profession and supporting the ACA's program "operation fight back" with the kind of practical initiative that will get attention in Washington. Foot Levelers' financial commitment to the ad campaign is extraordinary and shows a remarkable dedication to chiropractic's advancement.

Senate Finance Committee Chairman Daniel Moynihan gave credence to action on the health care bill by the end of May when he went on ABC News' "This Week with David Brinkley" on Sunday April 24. The New York democrat said the president asked him to "get a bill (health care) out by Memorial Day." Senator Moynihan indicated his committee would attempt to get a health care overhaul bill out in that time.

The major impediment to the health care reform bill is how to pay for it. The administration proposes that employers pay 80 percent of their workers' health insurance premiums. Representative Dan Rostenkowski (D-IL), chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, says he favors a health care reform package initially paid for by an increase in personal income taxes, until cost-containment measures take effect.

Senate Majority Leader George Mitchell (D-Maine), who has stepped forward in the past few months as a leader in the health care debate, favors cost-containment and subsidies to small businesses over tax increases.

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