2057 Cleveland College of Los Angeles
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Dynamic Chiropractic – February 26, 1993, Vol. 11, Issue 05

Cleveland College of Los Angeles

Cleveland Leaders Attend CCE Workshop

By Editorial Staff
"Strategic Planning for Chiropractic Institutions" was the theme of the Jan. 22-23 workshop sponsored by the Council on Chiropractic Education (CCE). Various types of institutional planning and implementation were the focus of the workshop.

Representing both Cleveland campuses were Dr. Carl Cleveland III, president of the Cleveland colleges and CCE vice president; Chancellor Carl Cleveland Jr.; and Ms. Donna Novak, vice president of administration and finance. Dr. James Anderson, chairman of the board of trustees of Cleveland was also in attendance.

CCCLA representatives were Dr. Matthew Givrad, executive vice president, and Dr. Grace Jacobs, academic dean. CCCKC was represented by Dr. Dwight Gerred, executive vice president, and Dr. Carl Saubert IV, vice president for academic and student services.

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