6 Giving New Doctors a Boost
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Dynamic Chiropractic – March 24, 2003, Vol. 21, Issue 07

Giving New Doctors a Boost

By Donald M. Petersen Jr., BS, HCD(hc), FICC(h), Publisher
Our profession has seen many changes in the last 20 years, not the least of which are the challenges facing today's graduating doctors of chiropractic.

Doctors in established practices should realize that each new challenge to your existing practice is an entrance barrier to doctors just getting started.

It makes it that much harder for a new practice to open and succeed.

I know some chiropractors express a certain amount of concern about the number of DCs already in their community, and in many cases, their concerns are valid. There may be more chiropractors than we need in certain areas. However, the forces shaping today's health care environment dictate the need to increase the number of doctors of chiropractic to meet the growing demand:

  • The U.S. population is growing at a rate of approximately 2 million people per year.
  • The attitudes of U.S. health care consumers continue to align with chiropractic and other forms of "alternative care."
  • There are still chiropractically underserved areas in the U.S.

The demand is growing, and one thing is certain: If we don't meet that demand, other practitioners will.

We are all too aware of the growing tendency of physical therapists to encroach on chiropractic techniques, some of whom go so far as to suggest they can treat subluxations. Some acupuncturists are also encroaching on chiropractic techniques.

Over the last few years, the naturopaths have experienced a resurgence that could bring that profession back into direct competition with chiropractic...and let's not forget about the osteopaths.

To survive, chiropractic needs to grow...
To grow, our new doctors need to survive.


It is incumbent on every chiropractic supplier to find ways to encourage and assist in the success of every doctor of chiropractic. This is good business practice, pure and simple, but there's more to be done. It is particularly important that chiropractic suppliers go the extra mile to help facilitate the success of those DCs who are newly licensed and/or opening a new practice. This also is good business practice, and encourages the growth of the chiropractic market the suppliers serve.

To that end, Dynamic Chiropractic has established free listings in the Associateships Wanted and Practices Wanted sections of ChiroWeb's online eClassifieds (www.ChiroWeb.com/chiromart). This service allows any DC, new graduate or soon-to-be-graduate the ability to advertise his or her interest in becoming an associate or purchasing an existing chiropractic practice - free of charge. Ads can be renewed as often as needed.

The system is completely automatic, so it can be accessed any time, day or night. You can upload up to two photographs, provide a Web site link, and even include an undisclosed e-mail link that lets interested parties e-mail you directly, but doesn't reveal your e-mail address. Best of all, because the eClassified ads are on ChiroWeb.com, which enjoyed over 400,000 unique visits in January, they are certain to get seen.

This program will get new graduates into associateships faster, and make it easier for DCs looking for associates to see who's interested in practicing in their area. In addition, those looking to buy a practice can make themselves known to DCs selling theirs.

Additionally, Dynamic Chiropractic has negotiated with a number of top chiropractic suppliers to provide significantly discounted products and services to newly licensed DCs through our Chiropractic Practice Start-Up Kits. The offers, each enclosed in a two-inch binder are being sent to new DCs, state by state. (If you are recently licensed and haven't received yours yet, please be patient. We expect to be sending them out for the next 10 months, as we get names from the state licensing boards.)

The Chiropractic Practice Start-Up Kits will reduce the initial costs associated with starting a chiropractic practice. This can mean a great deal to new practitioners.

Hopefully, this entire process will set a trend.

If you are a chiropractic supplier who is already providing support and special packages to new DCs, you have my personal appreciation. Good going!

If you are a decision-maker in a company that sells to the chiropractic profession, and you aren't supporting new DCs, please consider doing so. They are the future of the chiropractic profession and the market you serve.


Click here for more information about Donald M. Petersen Jr., BS, HCD(hc), FICC(h), Publisher.

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