1 Current Understanding of Whiplash Associated Disorders
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Dynamic Chiropractic – September 13, 2003, Vol. 21, Issue 19

Current Understanding of Whiplash Associated Disorders

By Mark A. King, DC


Title: Current Understanding of Whiplash Associated Disorders
Author: Mack King, DC, DABCO
Publisher: BodyMind Publications
Length: 282 pages, softbound
Price: $59.95
Part #: T-232
Priority Code: C3SR

image - Copyright – Stock Photo / Register Mark I have to start this review by stating that I am not related to Dr.

King, despite our common last name. That being said, on to my review of Dr. King's textbook. The amount of work required to organize and write Current Understanding of Whiplash Associated Disorders (WAD) is quite impressive. Dr. King obviously worked extremely hard to put this text together. He pulls specific information and quotes from various sources, condenses it, and presents it in an organized format. While I read the book from start to finish, most readers will utilize it as an excellent reference resource. If you do personal-injury work, this book will prove incredibly helpful in preparing for court appearances; depositions; arbitrations; case management; and report writing.

Dr. King starts out by describing what actually happens to the cervical spine during impact and its "S" shape configuration with rear impact. He discusses a myriad of variables that can affect the spine during such accidents, including the role of seatbelts, car size and speed, road conditions, and more. The clinical section details everything from examination; to outcome assessments; to algometry; to advanced diagnostic testing. Another section describes the types of pain that can result with WAD. The text also has sections on headache and low back pain that can occur with WAD. (One constructive criticism here: I think Dr. King could spend a little more time explaining his bulleted points. For example, on page 87, he references Zwart, who states that no significant radiological abnormalities have been found in patients with cervicogenic headache. On the next page, he quotes Turk, who says no less than 40 percent of all headaches are caused by degenerative processes in the cervical spine. A little more information would have helped clarify this point.)

There is a good section on treatment, but I particularly liked the medicolegal section. Specific design flaws and counterpoints are given for studies that erroneously minimize WAD injuries. This information is extremely helpful for DCs preparing to give depositions and court testimony.

I recommend that all DCs doing personal-injury work rush out and purchase this text. When you are better prepared to clinically manage your next WAD case, write an excellent report, and give educated, confident testimony, you will be able to help more patients and build your practice.

Dr. King's rating:

Mark King, DC 9.5 out of 10

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Dr. Mark King graduated from Life Chiropractic College in 1986. He is a clinician at Mt. Lookout Chiropractic Sports & Injury Center in Cincinnati; president and lead instructor of the Motion Palpation Institute; and a coach and co-founder of Cutting Edge Chiropractic Consultants.

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