The Association for the History of Chiropractic (AHC) and the National Institute of Chiropractic Research (Fund for Chiropractic History) announce two awards for the best historical contributions to the conference on the History of Chiropractic submitted by a student registered at a chiropractic college.
To be eligible for consideration, an abstract not exceeding 150 words must be submitted by January 2, 1991 to Mr. Russell Gibbons (editor of Chiropractic History), 207 Grandview Drive South, Pittsburgh, PA 15215. The cover letter attached to the abstract must indicate that the submission is made by a student who wishes to apply for the student awards, and must be cosigned by a faculty member from the student's school, verifying the student's enrollment at the time of submission. The submission must be authored solely by the student, or in the event of co-authorship by the student and a faculty member or by several students, the student applying for the award must be the first author of the manuscript.
Papers should meet the following requirements: There should be original conclusions based upon other published work or oral history interviews, with appropriate documentation and footnotes. The manuscript style of Chiropractic History must be followed. Emphasis should be on historical (post-1800) rather than sociological or clinical topics. There is a 15-page maximum length for papers, and oral delivery at the conference is limited to 30 minutes. The final manuscript form in two copies, typewritten and double-spaced, and correctly referenced, should be received no later than April 3, 1991.
Students who are awarded one of the two prizes will be invited to present their papers and receive their awards at the history conference, although presentation at the conference is not a requirement. Student papers which receive an award will become the exclusive first publication rights of the AHC, and will be published in Chiropractic History.
Inquiries about the student awards, or the Eleventh Annual Conference on Chiropractic History, or the association should be directed to the AHC at 4920 Frankford Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21206. Membership in the AHC is available to all interested parties at $35/year, and $17/year for students. Membership includes a subscription to the AHC's twice annual journal, Chiropractic History.
Dynamic Chiropractic editorial staff members research, investigate and write articles for the publication on an ongoing basis. To contact the Editorial Department or submit an article of your own for consideration, email