Mr. David Chapman-Smith, L.L.B. (Hons), renowned attorney, editor of The Chiropractic Report, and legal counsel at the Mercy Center Conference, will open the ICSM with a presentation on the Mercy Guidelines, explaining what they are and how they will affect the profession and managed care.
The conference will offer interactive workshops, symposia, and paper sessions, with spare time for sightseeing in the multicultural city of Montreal.
The ICSM will close with a debate on whether research, public relations, and politics can co-exist in the rapidly evolving chiropractic profession. Participants include: Patricia Brennan, Ph.D., FCER's Researcher of the Year; Arnold E. Cianciulli, D.C., M.S., FICC, FACC, president of NCMIC, and FCER Board of Trustees member; Alan H. Adams, D.C., DACBN, LACC's vice president for professional affairs; and George P. McAndrews, Esq., Wilk et al. vs. AMA attorney and ACA legal counsel.
For more information about the 1993 ICSM, contact Robin Merrifield at 1-800-637-6244 or (703) 276-7445.
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