Perry Isenberg, vice president of marketing for Performance Health, presented Dr. Greenawalt with the 2004 Performance Health Humanitarian Award "to thank him for paving the way for the rest of us to show our commitment to chiropractic." Mr. Isenberg added, "Dr. Greenawalt's leadership in and long-term support of the chiropractic profession is an inspiration for everyone."
Kent Greenwalt received the Parker Lifetime Philanthropy Award "in recognition of a lifetime of sharing and giving to the chiropractic profession," according to presenter Dr. Fabrizio Mancini, president of Parker College of Chiropractic and Parker Seminars. The award is given annually to an individual who has contributed to the helping and healing of others through chiropractic and wellness.
"To receive an award like this is such an honor, but it really goes to those who have given their time and commitment in helping me to carry out these endeavors," noted Mr. Greenawalt. "To make these things happen, it takes people in the chiropractic profession joining together in a common cause to turn life-improving ideas into reality."
The Greenawalts have received numerous awards in the past for their dedication to chiropractic, including being named Dynamic Chiropractic's 1997 Philanthropists of the Year (sharing the honor with Dr. William Harris and NCMIC). Kent Greenawalt was named DC's 2001 Person of the Year, and in 2002, he announced that Foot Levelers was undertaking a national public relations campaign to educate the public on the benefits of chiropractic. Last year, that campaign took a positive step when approximately 20 leaders from national chiropractic associations, colleges and publications signed a "Declaration of United Public Relations" (
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