About the Columnist
Louis Sportelli is the president of the National Chiropractic Mutual Insurance Company (NCMIC) and a past president of the World Federation of Chiropractic (WFC). Dr. Sportelli is a distinguished public speaker for chiropractic, having participated in hundreds of radio, television, newspaper and magazine interviews as a chiropractic spokesperson.
Dr. Sportelli has authored numerous articles for respected publications and writes a regular column for Dynamic Chiropractic entitled "In the Court of Public Opinion." Dr. Sportelli has co-authored several books, including Professional Chiropractic Practice: Ethics, Business, Jurisprudence & Risk Management; Opportunities in Chiropractic Health Care Careers; Medical-Legal Issues in Chiropractic; and The Chiropractic Form & Sample Letter Book. Dr. Sportelli's patient education booklet, Introduction to Chiropractic, written in 1976 and now in its 12th printing, is used throughout the world to better inform the public of the benefits of chiropractic.
A 1962 graduate of Palmer College of Chiropractic, Dr. Sportelli maintains a private practice in Palmerton, Pennsylvania. He serves as a member of the board of trustees of the Blue Mountain Health System and chairs the Governance Committee.