Kent S. Greenawalt, et al., have been friends of chiropractic since his company, Foot Levelers, Inc., was founded over 50 years ago by his father, Monte Greenawalt, DC.

In 1994, Mr. Greenawalt received an honorary doctor of chiropractic degree from Cleveland Chiropractic College of Kansas City. At that time, his company had already contributed $3 million to colleges through direct donations; grants; scholarships; endowments; research awards; and educational clinics. It currently sponsors license-renewal seminars within the U.S., throughout the year.

Using his reputation for organization and an appeal to a generous profession, Kent Greenawalt launched a campaign to raise nearly a quarter of a million dollars toward American Red Cross relief efforts after terrorists attacked the U. S. in 2001. He matched $100,000 of the funds with those of his own, attracting interest from every major chiropractic group in the United States.

The nonprofit Foundation for the Preservation of Chiropractic was begun by Mr. Greenawalt to mark the first half-century of his company and to inform the public of the benefits of treatment, through a massive awareness campaign targeting newspaper and magazine markets.

Kent Greenawalt has also been the recipient of several awards, including Dynamic Chiropractic's "Man of the Year," the ACA's "Humanitarian of the Year," and the 2002 Lee-Homewood Heritage Award from the Association for the History of Chiropractic.

Previous Articles

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