An error of level Warning was generated in file
/www/ems/mpacms/templates/include/dc_new/ on line 296.  The error
message was:
[function.main]: failed to open stream:
Interrupted system call
An error of level Warning was generated in file
/www/ems/mpacms/templates/include/dc_new/ on line 296.  The error
message was:
main() [function.include]: Failed opening
for inclusion (include_path='.')
The directory '' does not exist.
You may need to type the following:
$ cd .
$ cvs up -d


Dr. Shelley Simon graduated from Western States Chiropractic College in 1981. She also holds degrees in nursing (RN from Downstate Medical Center State University of New York, College of Nursing, 1974), public health / health education and promotion (MPH from Portland State University, 1996) and educational leadership / postsecondary education (EdD from Portland State University, 1998). She has served as a nurse at UCLA Medical Center, Alta Bates Hospital (Berkeley, Calif.), and St. Vincent's Hospital in Portland, Ore., and practiced chiropractic in Portland from 1982-1999.

Dr. Simon also has extensive teaching experience, including service as dean of clinics, vice president for clinical affairs and vice president for academic systems at Palmer College of Chiropractic (1999-2002); and vice president of academic affairs and interim president at Oregon College of Oriental Medicine (2002-2004). She also has served as an assistant professor at Western States and an adjunct faculty member at Portland State University.

Dr. Simon is the founder and president of Beyond Practice Management (, a coaching/consulting company established in 2005. She lectures on practice management, professional development, communication skills, project management and other topics.

Previous Articles

No Whining on the Yacht
Charting a course from complaint to commitment.
May 1, 2014 (Vol. 32, Issue 09)
Setting Meaningful Goals: Six Steps to Make 2014 Your Most Successful Year
February 1, 2014 (Vol. 32, Issue 03)
Thrive in 2014: Five Habits to Start Cultivating Now
December 15, 2013 (Vol. 31, Issue 24)
Mood and Burnout (Pt. 2): Manage Overwhelm by Building Capacity
November 1, 2013 (Vol. 31, Issue 21)
Mood and Burnout: The Connection and the Solution
August 15, 2013 (Vol. 31, Issue 16)
5 Strategies to Redefine Success and Move Beyond the Survival Mentality
May 1, 2013 (Vol. 31, Issue 09)
Set Your Coordinates for Sustainable Success
March 26, 2012 (Vol. 30, Issue 07)
Your Practice Mission and Staff Ownership: Making the Connection
October 21, 2011 (Vol. 29, Issue 22)
The Relativity of Problems: What Would Einstein Do?
June 17, 2011 (Vol. 29, Issue 13)
8 Tips for Communicating When the Stakes Are High
April 22, 2011 (Vol. 29, Issue 09)
Top 10 Traits for Sustainable Success
February 26, 2011 (Vol. 29, Issue 05)
Shifting Out of Neutral: How to Increase Your Drive for Success
January 1, 2011 (Vol. 29, Issue 01)
Practice Then, Practice Now, Practice in the Future
November 18, 2010 (Vol. 28, Issue 24)
Moving Beyond Patient Satisfaction: How to Build Trust and Partnership
October 7, 2010 (Vol. 28, Issue 21)
Regaining Emotional Vitality: Three Doctors, Three Challenges, Three Strategies
June 3, 2010 (Vol. 28, Issue 12)
Coaching Patients Toward a Healthier Future
March 26, 2010 (Vol. 28, Issue 07)
Success in an Age of Transition
January 29, 2010 (Vol. 28, Issue 03)
Increase Your Influence and Grow Your Practice With Effective Storytelling
December 2, 2009 (Vol. 27, Issue 25)
Patient Stories: Negotiating Shared Clinical Reality to Improve Outcomes
October 21, 2009 (Vol. 27, Issue 22)
Staying in Flow to Navigate Practice Ebbs
August 26, 2009 (Vol. 27, Issue 18)
Four Myths and a Challenge
June 3, 2009 (Vol. 27, Issue 12)
Intentional Branding: Establishing a Foundation for Effective Marketing
April 22, 2009 (Vol. 27, Issue 09)
Cultivating the Habit of Optimism
March 12, 2009 (Vol. 27, Issue 06)
Nine Strategies for Building a Cohesive Team
January 29, 2009 (Vol. 27, Issue 03)
A Successful 2009
Defining Resolutions, Intentions and Personal Competence
January 1, 2009 (Vol. 27, Issue 01)
Planning for the Future in Uncertain Times
November 18, 2008 (Vol. 26, Issue 24)
Health Coaching: An Essential Communication Skill
October 21, 2008 (Vol. 26, Issue 22)
Navigating Change: From Coping to Mastery
September 9, 2008 (Vol. 26, Issue 19)
Beyond Charisma: 10 Tips for Building Patient Loyalty
July 29, 2008 (Vol. 26, Issue 16)
Primary Prevention for Career Burnout: Building Resilience
June 17, 2008 (Vol. 26, Issue 13)
The Language of Marketing
Turning Acquaintances Into New Patients
May 6, 2008 (Vol. 26, Issue 10)
A Natural Immunity to Change, Part 2
How to Diagnose and Manage Resistance in Others
April 8, 2008 (Vol. 26, Issue 08)
A Natural Immunity to Change, Part 1
How to Diagnose and Manage Internal Resistance
March 25, 2008 (Vol. 26, Issue 07)
Teaching vs. Preaching: A Critical Look at Patient Education
February 12, 2008 (Vol. 26, Issue 04)
The Business Case for Emotionally Intelligent Leadership
January 1, 2008 (Vol. 26, Issue 01)
True or False: Marketing Is a Mystery
September 24, 2007 (Vol. 25, Issue 20)
Team EQ: Your Edge in Practice Development
July 2, 2007 (Vol. 25, Issue 14)
There Is No Silver Bullet: Turn Your Marketing Mindset Around
May 21, 2007 (Vol. 25, Issue 11)

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