Industry News for Foot Levelers

Roanoke, Virginia 24012-5725
ROANOKE, Virginia—Foot Levelers, the world’s exclusive provider of individually designed Stabilizing Orthotics, offers the ParFlex Plus® Stabilizing Orthotic, designed specifically with both professional and amateur golfers in mind. The Foot Levelers ParFlex Plus® has been clinically proven to increase golf course effectiveness, efficiency, and durability.
Part of Foot Levelers’ line of individually designed Stabilizing Orthotics, the ParFlex Plus® features a Zorbacel® layer to absorb damaging shock from heel strike. It also features the StanceGuardTM for varying firmness and flexibility during lateral weight shifts, and a TechCel LiteTM top layer for extra comfort. Also designed into the ParFlex Plus are: a phalangeal bar for greater forefoot stability during follow-through, and two magnetic strips for increased energy.
A recent study showed Foot Levelers ParFlex Plus® increased club head speed between three (3) and five (5) mph, which was a result of improved structural pedal balance. With the increased club head speed, subjects also improved stroke distance, typically between nine (9) and 15 yards. The improved balance and more stable base allowed study subjects to generate more acceleration on the downswing, increasing club head speed. In addition, corrected balance also led to more consistency in ball striking, resulting in more accurate strokes.
The study also measured pelvic rotation. After six weeks with the ParFlex Plus®, study participants saw an increase of pelvic rotation between 29 and 36 percent.
An independent survey of professional and amateur golfers who used the ParFlex Plus® showed all (100%) believed they had good support in the shoes. Almost 80 percent said their feet were less tired, 71 percent concluded they had better balance, and almost 40 percent said they recorded lower scores while wearing the ParFlex Plus®.
Of the professional golfers surveyed, 100 percent said they would recommend the ParFlex Plus® to fellow golfers.
Foot Levelers, Inc.
Foot Levelers, Inc., the world’s exclusive provider of individually designed Stabilizing Orthotics and other therapeutic products, has been serving healthcare professionals for over 60 years. Foot Levelers supports every step patients take to enjoy fuller and happier lives at work, home, or play.