Industry News for

Solon, Ohio 44139
Multi Radiance announces the Continuation of Official Corporate Sponsorship with Activator Methods for the 5th Year
For Immediate Release:
09/19/2013 (Solon, OH) — Multi Radiance Medical (MRM), an international laser device manufacturer and Activator Methods International®, developer of the world’s first instrument-based, low-force chiropractic technique, announce continuation of their official relationship.
The two industry leaders are continuing their commitment to the education of health care practitioners on the benefits of laser technology to manage acute and chronic conditions as a complement to chiropractic care and the Activator Method. A series of continuing education seminars on the Activator Method, incorporating training using laser treatments, will be conducted nationwide. This year’s topic for laser treatment focuses on neck pain. The Activator Fall 2013 seminar season begins on September 21st in San Jose, California.
Through its seminar program, Activator Methods teaches the latest advances in orthopedic, neurological and chiropractic examinations to identify joint dysfunction in the spinal column and extremities. More than 100,000 doctors of Chiropractic have been trained in Activator Method and nearly 2,500 doctors are Proficiency or Advanced Proficiency Rated in the technique. The Activator Method is the most widely-used instrument chiropractic technique in the world. A list of Activator seminars can be found at and
Multi Radiance Medical develops and manufactures FDA-cleared Super Pulsed Laser devices, which are used throughout the world to treat acute/chronic pain, back pain, arthritis, muscle spasms and other conditions. Its new product, MR4 LaserStim™, is the first FDA cleared device that combines Super Pulsed Laser and electrical neuro-stimulation in one probe, allowing for potential third party reimbursement.
Dr. Arlan Fuhr, co-founder and CEO of Activator Methods, said, “Multi Radiance is a research-backed laser technology and adds another dimension to musculoskeletal care. MRM has many research papers that show effectiveness in the musculoskeletal treatment of patients.”
Activator Methods International® is home to the full line of Activator® instruments and the Activator Method® of chiropractic instrument adjusting. Founded on the principles of clinical research, Activator Methods International® has been providing chiropractic care, resources and training since 1967. For more information please visit
Multi Radiance Medical, Solon, Ohio is a leading medical device company that develops and manufactures FDA-cleared laser treatment equipment using super pulsed laser technology to treat acute/chronic conditions. Multi Radiance Medical has served rehabilitation, chiropractic, sport medicine and veterinary markets for 20 years and is in more than 30 countries.
Contact: Tom Kelly
440-542-0761 x112