Industry News for Foot Levelers

Roanoke, Virginia 24012-5725
- Patient brochures and a DVD explaining the benefits of Stabilizers
- Instructional material for you and your staff, including technical support information
- DVD on how to implement the scanner
- Sample letter, email, and postcard announcing The Associate Platinum to patients
- Sample print ads to promote your practice
- CD of marketing logos/images so you can easily create your own materials
- And much more!
June 5, 2007 - Foot Levelers listened to what you needed and wanted most in your practice and created our latest innovation - the PracticeXcelerator™. This multimedia toolkit has everything you need to implement The Associate™ Platinum into your practice. After 55 years, we are still discovering new ways to help you succeed.
When you order the PracticeXcelerator it's like you have Foot Levelers' entire marketing department working for you! It has everything you need to get started today:
The PracticeXcelerator contains every resource you need to bring in new patients, take care of your existing patients, and elevate your practice to new heights. It is comprised of three elements: patient education, support for doctors and their staff, and advertising materials. It serves as an excellent reference tool to keep around the office. When you have questions, pull it out and you'll quickly find what you're looking for in an easy-to-understand format.
Available in June, every doctor who purchases or already owns The Associate Platinum is entitled to the PracticeXcelerator. This package, valued at $199, is yours free with a 30 minute coaching session with Foot Levelers' customer service team. We will walk you through the materials in the PracticeXcelerator to answer any questions and make sure you get the most use out of this incredible package.
The PracticeXcelerator will revolutionize the way you practice! One call is all it takes to get the best all-in-one, resource tool in your office. For more information about Foot Levelers', contact us at 1.800.553.4860 (USA), 1.800.344.4860 (CAN), or visit our website at