Industry News for Foot Levelers

Roanoke, Virginia 24012-5725
Shipment of Over $76,000 USD/$100,000 CAD Est. Retail Value En Route to Edmonton Emergency Relief Services for Distribution to Victims
MISSISSAUGA, ONTARIO—June 30, 2016—Foot Levelers and Footmaxx have joined forces to make a major footwear donation to residents affected by the devastating fires of Northern Alberta. The donation will be received by Edmonton Emergency Relief Services, one of the primary agencies helping the approximately 80,000 residents impacted.
The shipment is en route to Edmonton for distribution to aid shelters and is expected to arrive on July 5th. It includes new, high-quality footwear for men, women and children from brands like Franco Sarto, Clarks, P.W. Minor, Aetrex, Florsheim, and Acorn.
“The hardship that the people of Northern Alberta are facing is unimaginable, and we at Foot Levelers are eager to help," said Foot Levelers Senior Vice President, Dawn Galbraith. "Our thoughts and prayers are with those who are suffering.”
Steve Stone, General Manager of Footmaxx, added: “Footmaxx has a long history of serving the people of Northern Alberta. Our hearts go out to those who have lost so much. We’re honored to have the opportunity to help in our own way.”
“Edmonton Emergency Relief Services would like to thank Foot Levelers and Footmaxx for their generous donation of over 700 pairs of new shoes to help support the relief efforts for the evacuees of the wildfire,” said Nicole Geoffroy, Media Relations for Edmonton Emergency Relief Services. “We appreciate all of their support in helping all the evacuee families receive these greatly needed items.”
Foot Levelers and Footmaxx are sister companies. Both serve a significant customer base of healthcare providers throughout Alberta.
About Foot Levelers: Foot Levelers, Inc., the world’s leading provider of individually designed functional orthotics and other therapeutic products, has been serving healthcare professionals for over 64 years. Foot Levelers supports every step patients take to enjoy fuller and happier lives at work, home, or play. Visit, like us on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter (@FootLevelers) to learn more about Foot Levelers, Inc.
About Footmaxx: Founded in Toronto in 1994, Footmaxx custom orthotics are custom-made for people who require better foot function in everyday activities. Footmaxx helps bring personalized care to patients of all lifestyles, by improving their function, easing pain, and helping correct biomechanics. For more information on
Footmaxx and its product offerings, visit