Industry News for Foot Levelers

Roanoke, Virginia 24012-5725
Last Chance for UNLIMITED FREE PAIRS of Orthotics, FREE Pillows,
FREE Seminars and FREE Practice Growth Tools
(Call 800.553.4860 to Learn How)
Due to overwhelming demand, Foot Levelers is extending its celebration of Chiropractic’s 121st birthday through this Saturday, November 5th. The ‘party’ includes some great offers on custom-made functional orthotics, CEU seminars, pillows, and rehab equipment, including the opportunity to earn UNLIMITED free pairs of custom-made functional orthotics! Call 800.553.4860 to take advantage, but hurry—these historic offers end this SATURDAY!
Foot Levelers began its birthday bash on September 18th, 2016, 121 years to the day of Chiropractic’s founding. Thousands of Chiropractors across the United States and Canada have joined in, taking advantage of the opportunity to save and—most importantly—to bring improved health and wellbeing to more patients.
“Chiropractors are the reason we exist, and the profession’s 121st birthday was a perfect opportunity to give back,” said Kent S. Greenawalt, Foot Levelers’ CEO. “It’s also consistent with Foot Levelers’ long-standing tradition of supporting the profession.” Over the years, Foot Levelers has opened a number of Chiropractic health centers and educational campus buildings, funded Chiropractic research studies, established college scholarships for aspiring DCs, and more. The company also hosts dozens of educational seminars and free webinars each year, all aimed at helping the Chiropractic practitioner be the best D.C. he or she can be.
Using the promo code “PARTY,” doctors can take advantage of a “Buy 1 Get 1 Free” offer on custom orthotics—with absolutely no limit on FREE pairs, available to existing Foot Levelers customers and new customers alike. In addition, Foot Levelers is extending special pricing on the 3D BodyView® digital imaging device, the fastest, most accurate way a doctor can capture images of a patient’s feet and order custom orthotics. When doctors take advantage of the PARTY code, they can also cash in on a FREE Foot Levelers seminar, good for any seminar through the end of 2016. Find a full schedule at or call 800.553.4860.
For more information, call Foot Levelers at 800.553.4860. But act quickly—the celebration only lasts through November 5th, 2016.
About Foot Levelers: Foot Levelers, Inc., the world’s leading provider of individually designed functional orthotics and other therapeutic products, has been serving healthcare professionals for over 64 years. Foot Levelers supports every step patients take to enjoy fuller and happier lives at work, home, or play. Call 800.553.4860, visit, like us on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter.