Industry News for Foot Levelers

Roanoke, Virginia 24012-5725
- Optimizes Muscular Tone
- Enhances Muscle Speed, Strength/Size and Endurance
- Re-education of Muscle Action
- Facilitation of Muscle Contraction
- Relief from Pain
- Increase in Blood Supply, Reducing Healing Time
- Improves Venous and Lymphatic Drainage
- Loosening of Adhesions
(Roanoke, VA) – Is explaining the importance of at-home exercises to your patients a continuous uphill battle? Even when you make the value of rehabilitation clear, are they really doing the exercises correctly once they are out of your office? With Foot Levelers' Thera-Ciser Therapeutic Exercise System, you can rest assured that your patients are doing their exercises correctly and getting the results they need.
Thera-Ciser Therapeutic Exercise System is a biomechanical isokinetic system of exercise for neuromusculoskeletal conditions. It is comprised of exercise tubing with wrist and thigh Velcro adjustable straps and a retainer that attaches into the hinge side of a door. It takes only a few minutes to instruct patients on how to perform their recommended exercises at home.
This product offers a number of benefits to your patients:
Thera-Ciser comes with an accompanying booklet that encourages patients to do their exercises at home. The easy to follow instructions and color images, minimize instruction time and allow patients to easily understand and perform their exercises.
Your patients deserve only the best when it comes to their rehab. This system makes exercises easy and encourages patients to properly work on their rehab programs at home and better understand the benefits that come from them. Best of all, Thera-Ciser is proven successful in the areas of enhancing patient compliance and producing positive clinical results.
About Foot Levelers
For over 50 years, Foot Levelers has been the leading provider of custom-made orthotics and the exclusive provider of Spinal / Pelvic Stabilizer® and other proprietary orthotic technologies. To order Thera-Ciser Therapeutic Exercise System for your patients, call 1-800-344-4860 (from Canada 1-800-553-4860) or visit our website at