Industry News for Foot Levelers

Roanoke, Virginia 24012-5725
October 2, 2012 (Roanoke, VA)—Foot Levelers surprised participants at their 60th Anniversary Seminar that took place on September 22-23 in Minneapolis, Minn., with a 1/2 –karat diamond giveaway. The diamond is brilliant round cut and is retail valued at over $2,000.
The lucky diamond winner is Dr. Christine Ingbretson from Ham Lake, Minn., and owns Andover Ham Lake Chiropractic. "I was so excited to win the diamond! It will make a gorgeous necklace," Dr. Ingbretson said. "The diamond was a huge bonus, as I had already received so much great knowledge from the seminar."
Foot Levelers wanted to do something special for attendees and show their gratitude for the support over the past 60 years. "We did a diamond give-away to celebrate our diamond jubilee," said Brietta Cunningham, Director of Marketing at Foot Levelers. "However, more importantly we wanted to do something special for attendees who have supported Foot Levelers and make our 60th anniversary seminar as memorable as possible for them."
This seminar marked the first of Foot Levelers' 60th Anniversary seminar series. There are two more 60th Anniversary seminars taking place in Chicago, Ill., Nov. 17-18, and in Newark, N.J., Dec. 1-2. Topics presented at the seminar are about structural support from two of chiropractic's most dynamic speakers, Dr. Terry Yochum and Dr. Kim Christensen.
To register for one of Foot Levelers' 60th Anniversary Seminars or for more information, call 1.800.553.4860 or visit us online at
Foot Levelers
Foot Levelers, Inc., world's exclusive provider of individually designed Stabilizing Orthotics and other therapeutic products, has been serving healthcare professionals for 60 years. Foot Levelers supports every step patients take to enjoy fuller and happier lives at work, home, or at play.