Industry News for Foot Levelers

Roanoke, Virginia 24012-5725
Foot Levelers continues its focus on improving chiropractic results by supporting the adjustment with a new product enhancement to its cervical support pillow line. The world's first custom-made cervical support pillow, Foot Levelers' Exclusively YoursTM, now comes in two new versions for correcting sleep posture and for providing both comfort and support while sleeping.
The patent-pending Sleep Cycle SystemTM (SCS) used in the Exclusively YoursTM can now be modified to give greater support to individuals who spend more time sleeping on their backs and to those who predominately rest on their sides during sleep. The original version of SCS is still available and provides equal proportions of back-lying and side-lying support for those who tend to change sleeping posture frequently during the night.
This enhancement helps to more specifically correct sleeping posture and gives the chiropractor the option of tailoring the Exclusively YoursTM pillow to patient needs. With the addition of two new versions, the pillow now accommodates: 1) the patient who spends 75% of sleep time in the back-lying position, 2) the patient who spends 75% of sleep time in the side-lying position, and 3) the patient who spends 50% of sleep time in back-lying position and 50% in side-lying position.
Cervical support pillows are designed to maintain a healthy curve in the cervical spine during sleep and to prolong the period between chiropractic adjustments by providing proper support in reclining position. They are also recommended for specific conditions including: whiplash, tension headaches, neck and shoulder pain, muscle tension and pinched nerves among others.
When indicated by patients' sleeping patterns, structural changes are made to proportionately increase the areas of the Exclusively Yours TM pillow dedicated to supporting back-lying or side-lying positions. Currently, doctors may choose either option by writing in the "Special Instructions" section of the order form the version they wish to select. There is no price change associated with this enhancement and order processing remains at 48 hours from receipt of the order. These new options in the Exclusively YoursTM custom-made pillow are available immediately.
"Our commitment to the patient, the practice and the profession continually drives us here at Foot Levelers to improve product design as an adjunct to chiropractic care," explained Kent Greenawalt, President and CEO. "We are always innovating, developing products, listening to our customers' feedback and making changes that better support chiropractic."
For more information, call Foot Levelers toll free: 1-800-553-4860 or visit us at