Industry News for Foot Levelers

Roanoke, Virginia 24012-5725
Doctors can use Foot Levelers' DC Confidential compact disc to learn a complete system of techniques for patient care and practice growth. Dr. William M. Austin, Foot Levelers' Director of Education, gives an audio presentation on the importance of posture, stability, and support. It provides tools for patient evaluation, care, and communication and includes techniques to successfully integrate Spinal Pelvic Stabilizers into the practice.
This free educational tool is a portable seminar in the convenient format of a CD. Doctors will find the information valuable and easy to use in the office, in the car, at lunch break, or between appointments.
The DC Confidential audio CD can be ordered by telephone, mail, fax, or Internet. It also is included in the Foot Levelers Starter Kit as a tool to help doctors recommend Spinal Pelvic Stabilizers as part of chiropractic care.
"This CD is a fun way to learn to use Foot Levelers in your practice," said President and CEO, Kent Greenawalt. "There is so much information on this free CD. Doctors can't afford to miss out."
For more information, call toll free 1-800-553-4860 (U.S.), 1-800-344-4860 (Canada), 1800 800 963 (Australia); or visit us online at