Industry News for Foot Levelers

Roanoke, Virginia 24012-5725
Foot Levelers is proud to announce that Dr. Laura Hanson has completed the certification process as a Neuro-Developmental Therapist (NDT). By acquiring these credentials, Dr. Hanson becomes a chiropractic elite being one in eight doctors in the United States to have participated in the International Neuro-Physiological Psychology training for the developmentally delayed child.
A program through the International Neuro-Physiological Psychology Institute of Chester, England, Hanson completed the required modules in a little over one year. The modules included the activation of the nervous system through the primitive reflexes and postural system, therapies to facilitate and inhibit these processes in the developmentally delayed child, and correlating the appreciation and diagnostic foundation to evaluate the visual and auditory components bridging health care practitioners to aiding in the overall development of the child.
An assistant professor at Life University, Hanson serves as a Clinical Management Specialist and instructor for the ICA Pediatric Diplomate Program. She has maintained a private practice for 10 years, specializing in prenatal and pediatrics.
Dr. Hanson will deliver a dynamic presentation on Whole Body Family Care during Foot Levelers' 2006 Fall Seminar Series. She will appear in three cities, including: Des Moines, IA, October 21-22; Milwaukee, WI, November 18-19; and Nashville, TN, December 9-10.
To register for Foot Levelers' 2006 Fall Seminars or for more information about Foot Levelers' products or speakers/seminars, call toll free: 1-800-553-4860 (U.S.), 1-800-344-4860 (Canada), or visit us online at