Industry News for New York Chiropractic College
Seneca Falls, New York 13148
(800) 234-6922
New York Chiropractic College has been officially notified that on June 23, 2016, the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE) acted, “To reaffirm [the College’s] accreditation.” And “To commend the institution for the quality of the self-study process and report.”
The College’s president, Dr. Frank J. Nicchi, noted, “This very positive outcome would not have been possible without the exceptional commitment and dedication of our faculty and staff. Their incredible support of our Mission ensures that we consistently demonstrate academic excellence, quality patient care, and professional leadership.”
The College will provide a report to MSCHE in April 2018, detailing progress relative to Standard 2—Planning, Resource Allocation, and Institutional Renewal—and Standard 7—Institutional Assessment.
The Middle States Commission on Higher Education is a voluntary, non-governmental, regional membership association which assures students and the public of the educational quality of higher education. The Commission's accreditation process ensures institutional accountability, self-appraisal, improvement, and innovation through peer review and the rigorous application of standards within the context of institutional mission.