Industry News for New York Chiropractic College
Seneca Falls, New York 13148
(800) 234-6922
Dr. Michael A. Mestan, executive vice president and provost, announced the appointment of two new senior administrators. The retirement of Frank J. Nicchi, DC, MS (’78) as college president and the subsequent appointment of Michael A. Mestan, DC, EdD as new president coupled with the retirement of Dave Odiorne, MS, DC, vice president for Institutional Advancement presented a challenge to the College. "We are fortunate to have identified two exceptional individuals who will join our leadership team in support of our continuing pursuit of excellence" said Mestan.
Dr. Anne E. Killen has accepted appointment as Vice President of Academic Affairs, effective September 1, 2017 succeeding Mestan. She presently serves as Associate Vice President, Center for Professional Studies, at Keuka College in Keuka Park, New York and holds a faculty appointment there.
Killen earned a baccalaureate degree from Keuka College, a master’s degree in adult education from Elmira College, and a doctorate degree in management from the University of Maryland University College.
Since 2001, Killen has held a series of progressively responsible administrative posts at Keuka College, having a special interest in the unique needs of adult students in higher education. "We are delighted Dr. Killen has joined us," said Mestan. "Given her education and background, she is exceptionally qualified to serve as our Chief Academic Officer, overseeing the College's diverse academic offerings."
Dr. J. Todd Knudsen will succeed Odiorne as the Vice President of Institutional Advancement and Special Projects, effective September 1, 2017. Knudsen is a second-generation chiropractor, having earned his doctor of chiropractic degree from Los Angeles College of Chiropractic. He is a Board-Certified Chiropractic Radiologist with 20 years of experience in natural healthcare education. He has served as a faculty member, department chair, dean, vice-president for academic affairs, and president's chief of staff.
Active in natural healthcare professional leadership, Knudsen has served on the executive committee for the Council of Colleges of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine; as vice-chair of the Association of Chiropractic Colleges; on the executive committee of the American Chiropractic College of Radiology; and is a member of the Council on Chiropractic Education's Site Team Academy.
"The depth and breadth of Dr. Knudsen's experience in natural healthcare education will be a tremendous resource for NYCC," said Mestan. "His skills in fostering strength-based relationships with all stakeholders and advancing the professions we serve will support every aspect of our mission."
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