Industry News for Berkeley Life Professional

Chicago, Illinois 60611
(844) 517-1327
Today, Dr. Nathan S. Bryan, world renowned molecular medicine and nitric oxide expert and founder of Pneuma Nitric Oxide, LLC and Bryan Nitriceuticals, LLC, announced a partnership with Berkeley Life Professional, a practitioner exclusive nitric oxide nutraceutical brand. Dr. Bryan and Berkeley Life Professional share a mission to provide health care practitioners with an exclusive and efficacious nitric oxide product portfolio for use in patient protocols.
Dr. Bryan has been involved in nitric oxide research for the past 22 years. Nitric oxide, often called the “miracle molecule”, is a v asodilator and a signaling molecule made naturally in the body. In 1998, three U.S. scientists whose research for nitric oxide’s role in cardiovascular function through optimized circulation won the Nobel Prize in Medicine. However, r esearch suggests that over time, the body’s ability to naturally create nitric oxide diminishes a problem that Dr. Bryan has dedicated his career to solving. Dr. Bryan was the first to demonstrate and discover an endocrine function of nitric oxide via the format ion of S-nitrosoglutathione and inorganic nitrite. His discoveries have changed the way health care practitioners assess patients and manage patient care .
Dr. Bryan has maintained a continued focus on leading research and the development of safe and eff icacious nitric oxide product technology. When Dr. Bryan was introduced to Berkeley Life Professional, a brand aligned to the same mission, he saw natural synergies.
“It quickly became evident that Berkeley Life Professional shared the vision I had for nitric oxide and its ability to improve patient care when properly understood and taken on the guidance of a practitioner . Their focused mission of providing safe and effective nitric oxide product technology exclusive to the practitioner channel aligned w ith my personal and professional objective s over the past 20 years. Together our innovations will bring additional nitric oxide centric product technology to market so that practitioners can provide their patients safe and
effective nitric oxide products”, says Dr. Bryan.
Dr. Bryan’s topical formulation, N1O1 Nitric Oxide Activating Skin Serum by Pneuma Nitric Oxide, LLC, is the first to join the Berkeley Life Professional brand, offering a complement pairing to Berkeley Life Professional ’s current supple ment. N1O1 sold through the health care practitioner channel will be re branded under Berkeley Life Professional in the spring. This will expand Berkeley Life Professional ’s product offering into the skin care and beauty space. Providing nitric oxide ins ide and out is a new and innovative approach to supporting nitric oxide in the body
“ Nitric oxide is rapidly coming into the focus of the healthcare community”, Dr. Bryan says. “ It should be part of every discussion with every patient . In the early 1980 ’s , we lauded fish oils . Now, we need to be talking about nitric oxide and doing whatever we can to get nitric oxide in the hands of every person on Earth.”
For more information on the partnership between Berkeley Life Professional and Dr. Nathan S. Bryan, and to register for Dr. Bryan’s free webinar January 18th titled Path to Healthier Patients: Integration of Nitric Oxide visit our website linked here.
Dr. Bryan earned his undergraduate Bachelor of Science degree in Biochemistry from the University of Texas at Austin and his doctoral degree from Louisiana State University School of Medicine. He pursued his post-doctoral training as a Kirschstein Fellow at Boston University School of Medicine in the Whitaker Cardiovascular Institute. In 2006, Dr. Bryan joined faculty at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston. His nine years at UT led to several discoveries which have resulted in over a dozen issued US and international patents and many more pending worldwide. Dr. Bryan has published a number of highly cited papers and authored or edited five books. He is regarded as an international leader in molecular medicine and nitric oxide biochemistry. He lives outside of Caldwell, Texas. Dr. Bryan is represented by Alan Morell, CEO of Creative Management Partners LLC (CMP), Beverly Hills, CA
Berkeley Life was launched in early 2017 as a direct to consumer offering with the intention of building consumer awareness of nitric oxide’s ability to maintain healthy blood pressure levels. Deeper research into the potential applications of nitric oxide led to the strategic decision to make Berkeley Life available through the 1-on-1, trusted conversations of a practitioner and their patient, and was re-branded to Berkeley Life Professional. The Berkeley Life Professional supplement line is now used successfully by top practitioners around the country, along with a proprietary test strip. Used together, this system provides a tool for assessing nitric oxide levels and facilitating patient conversations and has transitioned to practitioner protocols. Transparent practitioner relationships continue to inspire product improvements. Now with the partnership of Dr. Nathan S. Bryan, Berkeley Life Professional is positioned to be the leading name in practitioner-recommended nitric oxide support products.