Industry News for Foot Levelers

Roanoke, Virginia 24012-5725
Foot Levelers Chairman and CEO Kent S. Greenawalt is a featured lecturer at the Florida Chiropractic Association (FCA) National Convention and Expo, speaking on Ground Force Reactions and Their Effects on the Kinetic Chain Changes on Thursday, August 20th at the Hyatt Regency in Orlando, Florida. Greenawalt’s talk is focusing on the positive impact functional foot orthotics, like Foot Levelers Stabilizing Orthotics, have on conditions such as low back pain, plantar fasciitis, and hammertoes.
Invented by a chiropractor in 1952, Stabilizing Orthotics have been clinically proven, by over 32 research studies and trials, to help patients with a variety of biomechanical issues, including low back pain, which over 60% of the United States population experiences.
Greenawalt references several studies, including a 1999 study, Chronic Low-back Pain and its Response to Custom-Made Orthoses (Dananberg HJ, Guiliano M.), showing how Stabilizing Orthotics functionally address conditions of the foot, ankle, and legs, providing a positive impact on areas such as the lower spine.
In addition to Greenawalt’s lecture, Foot Levelers is exhibiting its products and innovations in its two booths (#1 and 25) and is also sponsoring two other speakers (Kathy Mills-Chang and Dr. Kevin Wong), as well as a new student/recent graduate luncheon on Saturday, August 22nd.
Foot Levelers, Inc.
Foot Levelers, Inc., the world’s exclusive provider of individually designed Stabilizing Orthotics and other therapeutic products, has been serving healthcare professionals for over 60 years. Foot Levelers supports every step patients take to enjoy fuller and happier lives at work, home, or play.
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