Industry News for Foot Levelers

Roanoke, Virginia 24012-5725
Foot Levelers is hosting three Continuing Education Unit (CEU) seminars at its headquarters in Roanoke, Virginia during the 2014 fall season. Designed to help the chiropractic doctor keep up-to-date on technique, insurance, and other important professional information, the seminars are being held in the new Biomechanics InstituteTM, which is being built in Foot Levelers headquarters; dates for the three seminars are October 3-5, October 31-November 2, and December 5-7. Through an agreement with Parker University, all three sessions have 14 CEUs available.
October 3-5, 2014 Roanoke Seminar
The October 3-5 Roanoke seminar includes a Diagnosis, ICD-9, & ICD-10 lecture by Dr. Ken Murkowski, an Extremity Adjusting lecture by Dr. Mark Charrette, and Dr. Brian Jensen talking on Stress, Structure, and Neurology.
October 31-November 2, 2014 Roanoke Seminar
From October 31 through November 2, three speakers are lecturing on the following topics: ICD-10 Essentials (Kathy Mills Chang), Stress, Structure, and Neurology (Dr. Jensen), and Keys to Success for the 21st Century Chiropractic Practice (Dr. Kurt Juergens).
December 5-7, 2014 Roanoke Seminar
On December 5-7, the third Roanoke seminar features Kathy Mills Chang discussing ICD-10 Essentials and Dr. Kevin Wong conducting a hands-on lecture entitled Supporting Your Body from the Ground Up. Also featured is Dr. Jamal De Vita who is holding a session called Activator Methods Chiropractic Technique Basic Class, a partnership lecture with Activator Methods.
Foot Levelers, Inc.
Foot Levelers, Inc., the world’s exclusive provider of individually designed functional orthotics and other therapeutic products, has been serving healthcare professionals for over 60 years. Foot Levelers supports every step patients take to enjoy fuller and happier lives at work, home, or play.
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