Industry News for Biotics Research Corp.

Rosenberg, Texas 77471-5755
Contact: Debra Fish
Biotics Research Corporation
6801 Biotics Research Drive
Rosenberg, Texas 77471
Phone: 800-231-5777
Biotics Research Reaches Out To Patients in Response to Target, GNC, Walmart and Walgreens Being Accused of Selling Fraudulent Nutritional Supplements
Rosenberg, TX – February 6, 2015 – Biotics Research Corporation, an industry leader in the development and manufacturing of superior nutritional supplements available through healthcare professionals, launched a new Patient/Consumer Awareness Campaign in response to the law enforcement actions recently taken by the New York Attorney General’s office against Target, GNC, Walmart, and Walgreens.
“For nearly four decades we’ve worked closely with healthcare practitioners around the globe to educate patients and reinforce just how critical it is for consumers to purchase their supplementation through licensed healthcare providers,” said Denis DeLuca, President of Biotics Research. “And this latest action by the New York Attorney General’s office is just yet another example that underscores this.”
The New York State Attorney General’s office accused four major retailers on Monday of selling fraudulent and potentially dangerous herbal supplements and demanded that they remove the products from their shelves.
The authorities said they had conducted tests on top-selling store brands of herbal supplements at four national retailers — GNC, Target, Walgreens and Walmart — and found that – on average - four out of five products did not contain any of the herbs on their labels. The tests showed that pills labeled medicinal herbs often contained little more than cheap fillers like powdered rice, asparagus and houseplants, and in some cases substances that could be dangerous to those with allergies.
In response to these recent events, and its continuing efforts to help educate the public, Biotics Research is preparing patient education material for thousands of doctors around the world to hand out to their patients, as well as counter displays for each practice and clinic.
“We fully understand the dilemma that patients find themselves in,” added Mr. DeLuca. “It’s easy for a consumer/patient to assume that major retailers would carry legitimate supplements – but clearly not all supplements are created equal – and some are even fraudulent. It’s critical that consumers understand the importance of letting their healthcare professional evaluate supplement manufacturers to ensure the products are both safe and effective.”
Healthcare professionals can download and print the Biotics Research Patient Warning handout for each of their patients at Warning_0.pdf
The Biotics Research Quality Control brochure can be downloaded at Research Quality Control.pdf
A Biotics Research Patient Education Piece, “Why Should I Buy Supplements Through My Healthcare Professional,” is available to download at Through My Healthcare Professional.pdf
To learn more about Biotics Research Corporation, and to download consumer/patient information regarding safe supplementation, please visit
About Biotics Research Corporation
Biotics Research Corporation has been a leading manufacturer of specially designed nutritional supplements available through healthcare professionals for nearly forty years. Our mission remains constant: to be the benchmark of excellence in nutritional science, technology and service, providing the clinician with reliable, innovative products of superior quality as well as the highest level of customer service. Visit