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Falls Church, Virginia 22042
- Developing and supporting opportunities in chiropractic admission criteria not only focused on grade point average, test scores, or time to complete a program but allowing consideration of minority students’ experiences and attributes.
- Creating and supporting policies and practices that help to develop strategies to recruit minority faculty members to match the population needs.
- Developing college environments that better support students of color and focus on minority recruitment efforts.
Contact: Beth Clay Acting Executive Director
International Chiropractors Association
American Black Chiropractic Association and International Chiropractors Association Issue Report – Advancing Chiropractic by Advancing Diversity
19 July 2019 (Falls Church, VA and Atlanta, GA): The International Chiropractors Association (ICA) President Stephen P. Welsh, DC, FICA spoke during the Semi-Annual Meeting of the Council on Chiropractic Education (CCE) this month. He delivered a joint report from the American Black Chiropractic Association (ABCA) and the ICA titled, “Advancing Diversity as We Advance the Chiropractic Profession” calling for increasing diversity through engagement with academic program accreditation organizations. In addressing the CCE, Dr. Welsh requested the CCE's support in increasing diversity in chiropractic academic institutions and the chiropractic profession by:
Dr. Welsh stated, “We as a profession have yet to achieve diversity proportional with the population. To meet the growing need for chiropractic care among all people we can no longer simply talk, we must act to develop and implement strategies to address diversity and cultural competence. The ICA is pleased to be engaging with the ABCA on this important issue.
Dr. Quentin M. Brisco, President of the American Black Chiropractic Association stated, “The American Black Chiropractic Association has been actively engaged in increasing diversity in the chiropractic profession since its founding. Six months ago, ABCA
requested the CCE’s support to develop and support opportunities in chiropractic admission criteria not only focused on grade point average, test scores, or time to complete a program but allow consideration of minority students’ experiences and attributes. The ABCA also requested the CCE create and support policies and practices that help to develop strategies to recruit minority faculty members that match the population needs, in order to develop college environments that better support students of color and focus on minority recruitment efforts. I look forward to continued discussion with the Council on Chiropractic Education so that we can help all Doctor of Chiropractic programs become increasingly diverse.”
Dr. Winston Carhee, Immediate Past President of the American Black Chiropractors Association stated, “Six months ago, I made comments at the CCE meeting on behalf of the ABCA, I am pleased Dr. Welsh was at this meeting and heard my remarks, investigated the matter and determined it would become a priority for the ICA.”
Racial and ethnic diversity among health professionals has been shown to promote better access to healthcare and improved healthcare quality for underserved populations. This also meets health needs of an increasingly diverse population.
Advancing Diversity as We Advance the Chiropractic Profession is available online at: