Industry News for ChiroHealthUSA

Flowood, Mississippi 39232
ChiroHealthUSA Helps Support the Chiropractic Profession with Donations Totaling over $1,000,000
Flowood, Mississippi — February 16, 2017 —
Dr. Ray Foxworth, president of ChiroHealthUSA has made it a top priority to give back to a profession that has given so much to him. In 2008, Dr. Foxworth made a commitment to donate a percentage of his company’s revenue to the Congress of Chiropractic State Associations. As part of the agreement, he committed to donating a minimum of $15,000 each year. If the revenue percentage from his company did not meet this minimum, he would personally cover the difference. He did this for a few years as ChiroHealthUSA grew.
In 2014, he raised his minimum donation to $50,000 each year to both the Congress of Chiropractic State Associations and the Foundation for Chiropractic Progress. ChiroHealthUSA also supports the profession with donations to 37 chiropractic state associations, the Council on Chiropractic Guidelines and Practice Parameters, and The World Federation of Chiropractic. In addition, he established the ChiroHealthUSA Foxworth Family Scholarship in 2015.
On February 15, 2017, donations from ChiroHealthUSA surpassed the million-dollar mark. “There are no words that can truly explain what chiropractic means to me and what an incredible milestone this is for our company. From day one at ChiroHealthUSA, I wanted to give back to a profession that has meant so much to me and my family,” said Foxworth. “We all belong to chiropractic, and we all need to help, invest, and support the advancement of our profession.”
Upon hearing the news, Amy Hardin, the executive director for the Congress of Chiropractic state associations stated, “I was overwhelmed with excitement and emotion upon hearing the great news. I remember our first meeting like it was yesterday. If you have spoken with Dr. Foxworth for even a moment, you know that his enthusiasm and desire to support this profession is authentic.”
Founded in 2007, ChiroHealthUSA is a simple, compliant and profitable way for chiropractors to offer affordable care to their patients. Donations to support the profession are made possible by over 3,400 participating providers and over 448,000 families who utilize ChiroHealthUSA in their provider’s offices.
ChiroHealthUSA and the ChiroHealthUSA Foxworth Family Scholarship are registered trademarks.