Industry News for Foot Levelers

Roanoke, Virginia 24012-5725
- Biomechnical Issues with Runners with Dr. Jon Mulholland – non-CEU (February 10)
- Stress, Structure, and Neurology with Dr. Brian Jensen – 1 CEU (February 24)
- Building the High School Athlete Practice with Dr. Tim Maggs – non-CEU (March 10)
- Building a Cash-Based Practice with Dr. Tim Maggs – non-CEU (March 24)
- Feet and Arches: It’s What Your Patients Don’t Know that Can Hurt Them with Dr. Kevin Wong – 1 CEU (April 7)
- Effective Adjustment for the Foot and Knee with Dr. Mark Charrette – 1 CEU (April 28)
- Introduction to the Core Stabilization Sub Systems with Dr. Manuel Duarte – 1 CEU (May 12)
- Introduction to a Functional Movement Screening Test – 1 CEU (May 26)
- Painful Shoulders Anyone? The Shoulders, Ribs, and the Thoriacic Spine with Dr. Kevin Wong – 1 CEU (June 9)
- Effective Adjustments for the Wrist and Elbow with Dr. Mark Charrette - 1 CEU (June 23)
Foot Levelers is hosting 10 webinars during the Spring of 2015, focusing on a variety of Chiropractic topics, from technique to a cash-based practice. In all, there are 11 different topics by six different lecturers.
The Foot Levelers 2015 Spring webinar series lineup:
Foot Levelers hosts two series of Chiropractic webinars per year, one in the spring, one in the fall. Since its founding in 1952, Foot Levelers has been a cornerstone in Chiropractic education and research. The company has initiated 37 clinical studies and trials and has been one of the largest financial supporters of Chiropractic colleges and associations.
For more information and to register for any of the 11 webinars, visit
Foot Levelers, Inc.
Foot Levelers, Inc., the world’s exclusive provider of individually designed functional orthotics and other therapeutic products, has been serving healthcare professionals for over 63 years. Foot Levelers supports every step patients take to enjoy fuller and happier lives at work, home, or play.
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