Industry News for Foot Levelers

Roanoke, Virginia 24012-5725
ROANOKE, Virginia — Foot Levelers has launched a worldwide, patient facing blog,, driven by the desire to help people understand the value of approaching Chiropractic care from the ground up. With topics from over-pronation to proper summer footwear, from low back pain to the problem of acetaminophen overdose, the Foot Levelers blog reaches a worldwide audience.
Since being founded by a Chiropractor in 1952, Foot Levelers has been a leader in helping the profession grow, in the United States and Canada, but just as importantly on a wider global scale. As the company celebrates its first anniversary with an office in Australia, and sparks new Chiropractic relationships in places like Japan, South Africa, and Europe, the Foot Levelers blog is designed to help bring new awareness to the benefits of conservative healthcare.
Updated on a weekly basis, the blog relates Chiropractic care with the impact it has on vital and trending global healthcare concerns and treatments. A recent post brings attention to mounting evidence that acetaminophen is the world’s most overdosed drug (and is often ineffective at reducing low back pain) and that Chiropractic care, including proper adjustments and orthotics, may be a better solution.
“Just as we have done for the last 63 years, Foot Levelers is leading the way in helping the world’s population understand the value of conservative and preventative healthcare,” commented Vice President of International Business and Education Geoff Miller. “We know current Chiropractors and Chiropractic patients have made that connection. We want to be a big part of helping everyone else get there and this blog is one piece in a larger plan to make that happen.”
The Foot Levelers blog can be found at Additional information on Foot Levelers, functional orthotics, and its other Chiropractic products can be found at