Industry News for Foot Levelers

Roanoke, Virginia 24012-5725
- A Biomechanical Exam for the Uninjured Athlete w/Dr. Tim Maggs (1 CEU, July 14)
- The New Patient Generator w/Dr. Mitch Mally (July 28)
- Stress, Structure and Neurology w/Dr. Brian Jensen (1 CEU, Aug. 4)
- Inflammation is Killing Your Patient and You Too w/Dr. Patrick Kennedy (Aug. 18)
- Heel Lifts, Insoles and Outsoles w/Dr. Mitch Mally (1 CEU, Sept. 8)
- Spinal Pelvic Stabilization w/Dr. Mark Charrette (1 CEU, Sept. 22)
- What is the Most Important Vitamin or Mineral for Your Patient? w/Dr. Patrick Kennedy (Oct. 6)
- Stabilizing the Foot w/Dr. Mark Charrette (1 CEU, Oct. 20)
- Five Effective Adjustments for the Extremities w/Dr. Mark Charrette (1 CEU, Nov. 3)
- Simple Nutrition for the Stressed out 21st Century Patient w/Dr. Patrick Kennedy (Nov. 17)
- The Re-exam and Re-report for the Lifetime Patient w/Dr. Tim Maggs (1 CEU, Dec. 1)
- Using Patient Demonstrations to Effectively Communicate w/Dr. Mark Charrette (1 CEU, Dec. 15)
ROANOKE, Virginia — Foot Levelers has added 12 webinars to its 2015 schedule, eight of which offer Continuing Education Units. In all, the functional orthotics company is hosting 22 webinars in 2015. The 12 new additions to the schedule cover 12 topics by five different speakers. The goal of the webinars is to offer new and effective ideas to the Chiropractic professional.
The new additions to the Foot Levelers 2015 Chiropractic webinar schedule are:
To sign up for any of these webinars, or to view the recently released Foot Levelers Fall Seminar schedule, visit
Since its founding in 1952, Foot Levelers has been a cornerstone in Chiropractic education and research. The company has initiated 37 clinical studies and trials and has been one of the largest financial supporters of Chiropractic colleges and associations.
Foot Levelers, Inc.
Foot Levelers, Inc., the world’s exclusive provider of individually designed functional orthotics and other therapeutic products, has been serving healthcare professionals for over 63 years. Foot Levelers supports every step patients take to enjoy fuller and happier lives at work, home, or play.
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