Industry News for Foot Levelers

Roanoke, Virginia 24012-5725
For over 55 years, Foot Levelers has sponsored the top educators in chiropractic to present license-renewal seminars across the United States on practical information chiropractors can put to immediate use in their practices. 2008 marks a milestone of more than 2,000 seminars sponsored. These include state board seminars, chiropractic college engagements, and license renewal workshops held over the past 16 years.
Foot Levelers’ seminar speakers include some of the top names in chiropractic and cover a wide variety of relevant topics including everything from technique to insurance.
As part of Foot Levelers’ unparalleled commitment to chiropractic, the proceeds from all seminars and continuing education go to chiropractic colleges nationwide.
“We are honored to be a part of your practice and this profession,” said Kent S. Greenawalt, Foot Levelers President and CEO. “Because of your support, we are the world’s leading provider of custom-made orthotics. Through our Seminar Series we can contribute to the growth of chiropractic in two ways -- building skills of existing doctors and funding our chiropractic colleges.”
Foot Levelers prides itself in providing quality continuing education seminars to chiropractors and chiropractic assistants. Since 1952 our commitment to chiropractic and education has remained unchanged.
For more information about Foot Levelers’ product and seminars, call us at 1-800-553-4860 (U.S.), 1-800-344-4860 (Canada), or visit us online at