Industry News for Foot Levelers

Roanoke, Virginia 24012-5725
Foot Levelers introduces a new technology that revolutionizes orthotics selection and ordering – FAS Scan (or Foot Analysis System).
"FAS Scan is a high-tech alternative to foam box casting, with a built-in patient database, clinical reporting, and electronic ordering," raves Foot Levelers President and CEO Kent Greenawalt. "Bundle that with a sleek, progressive look, and you've got one of the most innovative advances in chiropractic care!"
Although technically sophisticated, FAS Scan keeps things easy and fast. Practice data, pricing, and orthotics preferences are automatically pulled into scanning sessions — slashing turn-around time. Patient records (including billing/payment information) are stored in the searchable database.
The software prompts you through a postural analysis. This analysis, scanning results, and clinical information become the basis of a report that provides patient education as well as documentation for your recommendations and treatment. In addition to the scan results, it explains possible problems, their causes, long-term consequences, and recommendations.
FAS Scan uses the same 16 measurements that Foot Levelers has found to be the best method for getting it right. To place an order, the computer simply sends it over the phone lines. Or, if it's more convenient, a batch of orders can be delivered after hours.
Foot Levelers is the exclusive provider of Spinal / Pelvic Stabilizers® and invites you to visit us at the FCA National Convention at booth #627 to receive a free scan from the latest in orthotics technology – FAS Scan. For more information visit us at