Industry News for Foot Levelers

Roanoke, Virginia 24012-5725
March 28, 2007 - This year marks the 30th anniversary of Foot Levelers' Success Express magazine. The first issue of Success Express was published in July 1977. We have been fortunate enough to continue the tradition of providing the best information and resources to our customers and chiropractic students, free of charge, for 30 years.
"Although the look of Success Express has transformed over the years, it has remained unchanged in its mission to assist chiropractors with improving their practices," said Kent S. Greenawalt, President and CEO.
Success Express was created to provide a service to our customers. It is filled with information on how chiropractors can provide better care for their patients, ways to enhance their staff, and how to improve their practices overall. Success Express also contains current information about our products, new continuing education opportunities, important information regarding business practices, and the latest innovations within the profession and our company. This publication continues to demonstrate our commitment and support to the chiropractic profession.
As an in-house publication, Success Express is planned, designed, written, and laid out at Foot Levelers. The look of the magazine has greatly improved with technology over the past 30 years. The articles have also become more reader-friendly. Some of the biggest names in chiropractic have been published in Success Express, including Dr. Monte Greenawalt, Dr. Reed Phillips, and Dr. Terry Yochum.
After 30 years of educational articles about topics that affect your practice, advice from leaders in the profession, and information about our latest products, Success Express will continue with a constant focus on how to better serve you and the profession.
Foot Levelers, Inc. is the world's exclusive provider of custom-made Spinal Pelvic Stabilizers and other therapeutic products that have served the healthcare profession for 55 years. Foot Levelers products have helped over a million people enjoy fuller and happier lives at work, home, or at play.